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Applet...A small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page
AVI...Microsoft multimedia video format
Bandwidth...The amount of data transfer in bps (bits per second)
Bit...Binary Digit
BPS...Bits per second
Blog...A journal available on the internet
Bookmark...A way to store your favorite web sites
Broadband...DSL and cable are broadband connections
Browser...A computer program that allows access to the internet
Byte...A set of bits that represent a single character, 8 bits equals 1 byte
CSS...Cascading Style Sheet
Chat...real time text based communication
Cookie...Information from a web site that is stored on your computer
C&P...Copy and paste
DSL...Digital Subscriber line
Domain Name...A domain name is a computer address such as wvrocker.com
DNS...Domain Name System
DPI...Dots per inch
Download...Transfer of data to your computer
Email...Electronic mail
FAQ...Frequently asked questions
Firewall...A barrier between your computer and the internet
Flash...Animation software
FTP...File transfer protocol
Gif...Graphic interchange format is a file format for pictures on the web
Gigabyte...1024 megabytes
Home Page...First page of a web site
HTML...Hyper text markup language
HTTP...Hyper text transfer protocol
Hyperlink...A link is text or an image when clicked will take you to a web page
Internet...Global network of computers linked by lines that transfer data
IMAP...Internet message Access Protocol
IP Number...Internet Protocol Number
IM... Instant messaging is real time text based communication
IP Address...Internet protocol number/name of the computer used to send and receive information
IRC...Internet Relay Chat
ISP...Internet Service Provider
Java...A computer language that encodes applications and computer programs
Javascript...Computer scripting language developed by Netscape
JPG-JPEG...Joint photographic expert group is a file format for phorographs
Kilobyte...1000 bytes
LAN...Local Area Network
Megabyte...a million bytes
Modem...Device that connects your computer to the internet
MPEG...Moving Picture Expert Group formats for compressing video and audio playback
Newsgroup...Internet site centered around a specific theme
NIC...Network Information Center
PDF...Portable Document File
PNG...Portable Network Graphics
POP...Post Office Protocol
RSS...Rich Site Summary
Search Engine...Let's you search for information on the web
SSL...Secure Socket Layer
Sig...Email signature
SMTP...Simple Mail Transfer Prorocol
Spam...Unsolicited email
Spyware...Software installed on a computer withou the users knowledge
Tags...html codes
Terabyte...1000 gigabytes
Trojan Horse...A computer program hidden inside another program
Upload...Transfer of data from yout computer to another computer
URL...Uniform Resource Locator
Virus...A malicious computer program
VOIP...Voice Over IP
VPN...Virtual Private Network
WAN...Wide Area Network
Web...World wide web also known as the internet
Web Page...A document made to be viewed on the internet
Web Site...A collection of web pages
WiFi...Wireless Fidelity
WWW...World Wide Web Links computer resources around the world
Worm...A destructive computer program

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